St. Genevieve Catholic School was built in 1925 in an ethnically diverse neighborhood comprised of Roman Catholics with French, German, Irish, Italian and Polish ancestry.
In continued celebration of this cultural diversity, St. Genevieve School and Church welcomes people of all ethnic and racial backgrounds. The stained glass windows inside St. Genevieve Catholic Church are resplendent with the artistic images of the patron saints from these countries. These saints and their people represent the rich and vibrant history and tradition of St. Genevieve Catholic Church and School. The church is beautiful and reflects the love the community embodies.
Today, the community has grown to encompass the cultures and traditions of the Hispanic people. This heritage is celebrated by observing holy days such as Our Lady of Guadalupe and El Día De Los Muertos.
The true beauty of St. Genevieve Catholic Church is that it remains a place of worship where families, old and new, gather to celebrate Eucharist as well as milestone occasions such as weddings, christenings, anniversaries and Quinceañeras.