Our Values & Philosophy
St. Genevieve Catholic School is a Roman Catholic elementary school located in the Belmont Cragin neighborhood of Chicago.
We offer our students an academically, socially, morally and physically excellent, values-oriented education to young people of all ethnic, religious, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. We do this in a child-centered urban environment.
As a commitment to our socially and racially diverse community, we provide need-based scholarships to our students. SGCS partners with our families, nurtures faith development for our Catholic students, and engages them all to learn about and respect other faith traditions.
Our rigorous curriculum enables students to grow academically, clarify their values, and develop decision-making skills and a sense of responsibility for themselves and the world they will inherit as leaders.

The education of our youth is a responsibility shared by St. Genevieve Catholic School with parents/guardians, church, community and government.
The school addresses and embraces the diversity of culture, race, and ethnic origins of its students. At the same time, St. Genevieve Catholic School recognizes that each student is a unique individual and incorporates strategies to meet the needs of the different learning styles.
Assuming responsibility for the education of our children, St. Genevieve Catholic School gathers resources and knowledge, which can empower the emerging person to construct a peaceful, just, and greathearted world. St. Genevieve Catholic School recognizes its privileged relationship with the parents/guardians of the students who are the primary teachers and motivators of their children.
Sharing in the mission and ministry of our parish community, St. Genevieve Catholic School models and reflects upon the teachings of the Word of God through our motto, “Where Jesus Is The Heart Of All That Matters.”